The tricky thing about weight is that sometimes, it really does seem to sneak up on you! For many, a gradual buildup of weight can be caused by a poor diet and a busy lifestyle in which fitness doesn’t seem to fit in, leading to health issues. It’s easy to make excuses but in reality, the easy way usually isn’t the best way to go. Meet Narinder W. of San Jose, CA, who knows this problem a little too well.

Narinder struggled with weight loss her entire adult life. After having kids, she never could quite seem to keep it off. She tried all of the popular diet trends and weight loss programs without success. At one point her weight was down to 165 lbs. but not before long, she would find herself falling back into old bad habits, eating comfort foods, and not exercising. Between work and kids, it seemed like there was no time to focus on losing weight.

Narinder was working full-time while also going to school part-time and attending functions with her children during any extra time she had left. Eventually, she found herself back to 200 lbs., which quickly became 210 lbs., 215 lbs., and so on. That’s when the health issues began. Narinder found herself having trouble walking, which was detrimental to her entire livelihood. Because she worked at a home store warehouse, Narinder needed to be able to move around without issue. She tried cortisone shots and custom inserts, without luck.

The Birthday Celebration Gone Bad

At this point, Narinder was blaming her health issues on everything but her weight. For instance, she would blame her pain on the concrete floors at her work; however, in retrospect she admits that her weight was the real problem. The health issues began to get worse, leading to years of pain caused by arthritis in her knees. In 2015, Narinder joined her daughter in Las Vegas to celebrate her daughter’s 21st birthday. The hotel alarms sounded in the middle of the night, forcing all hotel guests to evacuate and walk down the stairs to ground level. She admits that she was barely able to walk down the stairs.


She knew at that point, she had to do something.

Change Around the Corner

When Narinder returned home, she tried after work walks but she couldn’t seem to push through. Throughout that year, Narinder felt depressed, always in pain, and exhausted. To make matters worse, she had a grandson who she wanted to play with, but couldn’t. It was in May of 2016, that she began a very popular assisted weight loss program, which she had amazing success with. Not only was she feeling more confident, but the pain was beginning to fade, and her clothes were fitting better, which resulted in more will power and motivation!

The only problem seemed to be that her skin was starting to sag a bit from the weight loss. Unsure of where to begin, Narinder walked into her local City Sports Club and began to ask some questions. Soon, she was an official City Sports Club member, signed up with a full-year of personal training. This was her next step, and she was as ready than ever. Narinder admits that it was one of the hardest things she has ever done. It was very hard to incorporate her work schedule along with the training appointments, but she made it work.

Hard Work Pays Off

Narinder’s highest weight was 278 lbs. Since joining personal training, she has lost 78 lbs. and is more than happy to be under the 200 lbs. mark, but she’s not stopping there. On top of her weight loss, she no longer suffers from knee pain or back pain, has more energy, can go for walks, visit friends, and climb stairs without issues. Best of all, she’s able to play with her grandson.

While she still finds it slightly intimidating to go to the gym alone, she looks forward to the days she works out with her personal trainer “because no matter what, I know that I am doing everything right, she doesn’t let me quit, she knows my limits, and consistently motivates me, not to mention that she knows her stuff and helps me get my workout done while having fun!”

Left: May 2016 Right: August 2017

My advice to others would be that if you put in the time and effort, you will see results. It took years to put on the weight so it will not come off overnight. Log your meals and activities and hold yourself accountable.

– Narinder W., City Sports Club Personal Training Client

Some answers have been edited for length and/or clarity.

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.