During the winter of 2016, a friend posted a picture from a Christmas party of Annette P. and her husband on social media. Annette knew she had been steadily gaining weight for several months after retiring earlier in the year. Her clothes were fitting tighter. and she was experiencing trouble getting dressed. Her 5’10” frame had always worked in her favor and helped in “hiding” extra pounds, but she found it was no longer working. 

She was mortified when she saw herself in that photo. Aside from being disappointed in her newfound physical appearance, Annette was experiencing much less energy and general weakness when playing with her young grandsons. A doctor’s visit for her annual physical brought with it some alarming news that as her pounds had been increasing, so had her cholesterol levels. A combination of these factors motivated Annette to turn her frustration into a positive direction.  

Pictured: Annette and her husband – December 2016

Pictured: Annette and her trainer Bahareh – March 2018

Encouragement and Change 

In January 2017, Annette started a nutritional weight-loss program and felt that a personal consultant, along with smart food choices, would be a great jump-start for a healthier future. After approximately four months, and 11 lbs. lost, Annette felt that the weight wasn’t coming off quickly enough. She wanted to not only lose weight, but add muscle and tone, as well. It was at the encouragement of her daughter and husband that Annette joined City Sports Club in May of 2017 and signed up for personal training.*  

“Her encouragement is so appreciated.”  

She was excited about starting, but nervous that she wouldn’t quite “cut it” with a professional trainer – but then she met Bahareh, and her nervousness went away. Annette shared that Bahareh always greets her with a smile, challenges her, and pushes her to do things she never thought she could accomplish! In Annette’s words, “Her encouragement is so appreciated.”  

9 Months Later 

Nine months after Annette began her personal training with Bahareh, she is 28 lbs. lighter and has noticeably more energy and stamina! She continues to train an average of two days a week, and continues to work out on her own an additional 30 minutes after her training session concludes. While Annette doesn’t enjoy running on the treadmill, she’s found that she enjoys walking swiftly while alternating the incline. (This is a perfect example of adjusting workouts to best suit your own needs and comfort level!) 

At home, Annette has improved her meal planning strategies to include more fish, chicken, and salads, including kale and spinach. She also eats more fresh veggies, cooks with olive oil, and includes less starches in her meal prep. Her new healthy diet includes very few desserts, and instead, when she finds herself with a sweet tooth, Annette will eat a tangerine or an orange. Sodas are now a rarity and have been replaced with water – and plenty of it! She also enjoys making green smoothies using fresh spinach, protein powder, plain low-fat yogurt, and half a banana. 

The Now 

Annette’s goal of losing pounds and gaining strength has become a reality. Her latest blood work showed marked improvement – so much so that her physician was thrilled with both the numbers and the weight loss! Annette shared that her “friends and family have noticed that I’m losing weight AND my clothes fit and look so much better.”

I’ve gained energy, strength, and confidence which is what I wanted all along.

– Annette P.

*Personal training services are subject to an additional fee and a separate agreement. 

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.